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What is Yoga Meditation?

Feb 17, 2023
Meditation is one of the most important practices in yoga and was first introduced in the schools of Chi Yoga and Wang Yoga. The Wisdom Yoga practice is based on the study of the classics and the practice of meditation, while the Yoga Sutra of the King's Yoga School introduces the Eight Branches of Yoga, which are practised through the eight branches of the practice.

Yoga Meditation

The eight branches are as follows
The first branch, Yama, is the discipline of abstinence.
Second branch Niyama
Third Asana
The fourth branch, Pranayama, breathing energy
Fifth Pratyahara Mindfulness
Sixth Dharana Concentration
The seventh Dhyana is human meditation, firm meditation
Eighth branch Samadhi Samadhi

The eight branches of yoga are the sub-divisions of meditation practice, from the discipline of the external behavioural environment, to the internal self-discipline of mind and body, then to the practice of concentrated meditation, and finally to the empty state of samadhi. Further on the emergence of the Hatha school, the mutual classics also illustrate that the practice of asana is to help the practitioner unblock the body and better access deeper spiritual practices, of which meditation is the most important part, and one could even say that the practice of asana is to allow us to better focus and meditate and achieve unity of body and mind.
Back to the present, with the propaganda of yoga favouring asana and the rapid refinement of asanas, we may neglect to look within and neglect the practice of meditative concentration. So we practice meditation in order to focus when we tend to wander, to be less fidgety in a frenetic world, to find the Self that is not covered up by external things, and to leave ourselves a clean slate.
So, how does meditation begin -❓

Many people hear about or start meditation and say, "I can't be still when I meditate, I close my eyes and only take a few breaths before I start to get irritated."
This is very normal, if you start practicing meditation and can immediately calm down without being disturbed, then you are probably not a human being, you are probably a robot, just like when you tune in before a yoga class, one moment you calm down and then you get irritable again, this proves that you are in the process of practicing. Because meditation needs to be practiced every day without interruption, once you interrupt it stops, to increase the frequency of your stillness every day, not stillness, only then do you have to practice stillness, we can also get the feeling of stillness from the practice of yoga asanas, if you are particularly easily disturbed, it is even more important to practice meditation, concentration is too poor.

It is actually difficult to practice meditation on your own, it feels like you can't control yourself, but meditation is actually something you do with yourself, on your own.

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