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What is the concept of yoga?

Apr 12, 2023
What is Yoga?

Yoga literally explained - yoga is connection and union, the connection of body and mind, the union of life and work.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is the release of stress and the enjoyment of life. The perfect combination of breathing and asana during yoga practice can fully stretch our body, speed up blood circulation, soothe the nervous system, and bring us physical and mental pleasure. "After every yoga practice, the mind can return to peace - Iyengar"

When yoga first became popular, it made many people mistakenly believe that yoga is stretching, such as the early naranga yoga. The purpose of yoga practice is not to lift your feet up to your head; stretching is not the purpose of yoga. Making the soft strong and the hard resilient - that's the purpose of yoga asana. As far as sports are concerned, the only one that I know of that exercises all three levels of the body at the same time is yoga - yoga is about the combination of body and mind, starting with repairing physical health, i.e. yoga asanas. Then comes the mental level and the heart level - creating a balanced state of life.

Double Yoga

Currently, there are different attitudes towards yoga such as wait and see, oppose and support. The reason for this may be lack of understanding or interest; the reason for opposition may be misunderstanding; the reason for support is that most people benefit from it.

It is important to mention that the origin of yoga is indeed religious, but in its thousands of years of development, many schools have been branched out, some of the native Indian yoga focus on classical study, some focus on philosophical enlightenment, some focus on daily life good deeds ...... Some people worry that practicing yoga will lead them astray and into a cult, a big reason may be from this "spiritual practice of enlightenment".

Yoga asana 8400, so many asanas commonly used is more than a hundred kinds, not all asanas are anti-joint. It is like "not eating fish because you are afraid of getting a fish spike in your throat", but not everyone is afraid of fish spikes. We can choose to avoid anti-joint injuries if we have a deeper understanding of asana first, just as a child learns to eat first before learning to eat fish.

If you are worried about being misled by "enlightenment", you may want to consider it as a general fitness exercise, just like running or Pilates; if you are interested in spiritual themes, you can get in touch with the philosophical mind of yoga and choose the right yoga teacher at the right time.

According to different factors and themes, yoga has a wide range of categories, such as.
1 Hatha yoga system: narrow Hatha yoga, Indian traditional Ashtanga and Iyengar, American Anusara and some other niche school series, etc.

Hatha Yoga Poses

2 Auxiliary tools: (large and small) yoga mat, ball yoga, wheel yoga, aerial yoga, wall rope yoga, stick yoga, etc.

What are the yoga auxiliary tools

3 Element:Yang yoga (power yoga), yin yoga, flow yoga (various flow yoga, such as universal flow, rocket flow, inner view flow, energy flow, San Francisco flow), double yoga, dance rhythm yoga, etc.

Yoga Seven Chakra Colors

4 Topics:Shoulder and neck yoga, hip opening yoga, backbend... , inversion... Hand balancing... Beautiful buttocks... Back... , etc.

Topics:Shoulder and neck yoga

5 functions: physical therapy yoga, slimming yoga, pregnancy yoga, postpartum yoga, senior yoga, Chinese medicine yuan yoga, healing yoga, chanting bowl, etc.

Yoga Function

Explanation of several yoga definitions

Slimming Yoga

It is mainly to apply the physiology and muscle principle to train the whole body or local muscles to achieve the effect of slimming: such as whole body shaping, local slimming (vest line, slim legs, slim bunion, butt lift...) Yoga that emphasizes strength and muscle training.

Slimming Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga
It also helps the body to deal with many common health problems during pregnancy, such as overweight, fatigue, and edema in the second trimester. Regular practice of yoga asanas can strengthen the body and enhance the sense of well-being during pregnancy, and will also help with childbirth.
Pregnancy Yoga

Postnatal Yoga

Postpartum mothers experience various problems in their bodies such as muscle relaxation, postural changes, and postpartum depression. Yoga can be targeted to strengthen muscle stretching and strength training, promote pelvic floor muscle repair, rectus abdominis muscle closure, promote core strength stabilization thus strengthening pelvic stability, improving back pain, correcting posture, eliminating postpartum legacy problems, and achieving the purpose of curing untreated diseases.

Postnatal Yoga

Yoga for the Elderly

Human body functions reach a peak in muscle content and bone density at the age of 25-30, after which muscle content and bone density decrease year by year and calcium is lost year by year. Therefore, when we enter the old age, our body will have obvious changes, the most obvious is that our size is getting shorter and shorter: osteoporosis, metabolism slowing down, memory loss, muscle atrophy, uncoordinated movements, etc. Yoga for the elderly can help the elderly to improve blood circulation and keep their nervous system healthy. Yoga for the elderly requires the use of aids during the practice of yoga asanas so that the body can be fully stretched and completely relaxed.

Yoga for the Elderly

Note that the practice of yoga asanas requires the guidance of a teacher with a high level of professionalism. Yoga can be practiced by both men and women, young and old.

Yoga mat style

Yoga props